Venimus, vidimus, celebravimus

We came, We saw, We celebrated !

27 years on and still kicking it into the stands!!!
What a fine weekend.

We really did have a great time and if you made it in to the event I’m certain you were impressed

Saturday was the usual day of setting up re-meeting old friends and making new ones. The weather was kind for 99% of the time with just a light 2 minute sprinkle to remind us of other less kind days.

There were about 10% less exhibitors in number than in some previous years as many of our foreign friends have gone back to their homelands, some of our own have emigrated, and some just couldn’t make it this year for different reasons. The great outcome was that we had a chance to welcome so many new faces and to intersperse these along the length of the exhibition. We already have plans to increase the number of exhibitors for 2014.

Even with the slightly reduced numbers the one overriding message that came back time and again was (in the perception of the experienced exhibitors)…. that the quality of exhibits had gone up and up…. and how very true that was.

I personally spent most of Saturday walking up and down while facing the traffic on the Green I couldn’t let myself turn round and engage with the amazing pictures. I took a trip from my own space number 88 to Brians at space 4 a round trip of 250 yards and it took an hour and three quarters!!!.
I’d have gotten to Barcelona as quick. And that was just chatting not looking at pics.

Well done to the many who sold work including those who floated home on surprise sale where they didn’t expect it.

On Saturday at 12am (at space 60) we made a presentation of €2,500 to the Dublin Simon Community.

They are, as ever, extremely grateful for our contribution to their work.
We have a separate draft for €2,500 for the National Council for the Blind in Ireland (NCBI). We’ll publish pics of both
presentations once they’re available.

Ahhh Dublin can be heaven on Sunday, with coffee at 11, and a stroll on
Stephens Green. as our Mr Purcell used to sing

To coin a phrase Sunday was a charm, pleasant weather, congenial company, and I finally got to see some beautiful pictures, and the living was mostly very easy.

Great photographic work right across the event..
Wrong in many ways to single out specific presentations but the wonderful work of Beta (the dreams panel), Bartosz’s landscapes, Dave Kennedy’s infra reds of Pheonix Park, Aoife’s creativity, Maggie Morrisey’s calm studies, Giovannis 3d work, Alan Owen, Mark Russel-Hills works and our
own Brian McKeown, Denis’s outstanding chairs. beautiful reproductions of old 3″ glass positives, and amazing night photos of Dublin from Hon Lau.
Many too many to mention by name

Take a look at Giovanni Remigi ‘s tiime-lapse of his pace during the event just uploaded last evening.

Respects to Space number 1 Mr Barney Champion who was there as the capo de capi from the original exhibition 27 years ago.

We’re looking forward to next year where a number of new ideas are coming forward while keeping the ethos of the event intact .. and we’d really love to have your views as inputs to help with planning next year. One idea is
that as each years event passes the charities are grateful for their donation…but the exhibitors leave with little but the memory. It is suggested that we might explore a limited edition t-shirt to polo shirt etc with the annual logo and strap line for say €6 to €10 (added to the exhibitor cost)
but for which all proceeds over cost would (as ever) go to the charities. I myself fancy a commemorative shirt from each year just to mark the taking part. It would be entirely voluntary by way of a tick box on the application form

We welcome your views !

Our good friend Paul of DCC went about on Sunday taking pics of exhibitors and their respective panels. Our idea is that most people end up in chats with many many people over the course of the weekend, and either remember
their names .. or their pictures, but often have trouble associating the two.
Expect additions of pics of the exhibitors and their panels to the Allocations page of the website as time goes on. Please feel free to comment/compliment your fellow exhibitors on the pages if you feel their work deserves it

There’ll be some more postings here closing out the PP2013 event as we load pictures and news. If you have any pictures you’d like to share (crowds, funny, mood, atmospheric etc) we’d love to have them. send them on to any
of the addresses

Thank you all again on behalf of all of us and talk to you soon

The Peoples Photography 2013 team
