PP Profiles:
We’re very pleased to be able to add some representative images from our friends and participants along with a few works to give the images context.
We’d love if you’d like to submit a few … take a look at the guidelines here
So, in no particular order….click on the name to take you to their gallery which should open in a new tab. Please leave some messages for the photographers if you feel the images merit comment.
Mr Colum Burke:

Aoife Hester

Jason McCormac

Denis O’Donovan

Eddie Malin

Kevin Balanda

Tony Creedon

Alan Owens; Australia Ireland

Wayne Leone

Maggy Morrissey

Larry Dalton

Bartosz Murzicz; Lightpainted

Pearse Stokes

Stephen Lawlor

Tomasz Olejnik

Thomas Glover

David Kennedy