Invitation… go on,.. send in a few pictures

We’d like to invite you to submit a selection of between 6 and 10 images from your work… and a small descriptive blurb on your particular style, likes and influences.

We’ll hang these up in individual gallery pages/posts so that you can get a feel for your fellow shooters … and provide a place to showcase and promote your own work.

 Some Ground Rules

You do NOT have to have been a previous Exhibitor… all are free to submit work

All pictures MUST be your own work… you must confirm this in your e-mail to us or the picures will not be uploadedPictures should be sized to between 800 and 1000 pixels (longest side).

Feel free to put a watermark on them if you’re concerned about protecting the images.

All pictures will be presented in gallery post named and attributed for the authorInclude any titles, technical info or context information you feel necessary.Feel free to include website / flickr/ etc  links if you want to share the info.

Take a look at the profiles page here


Past Exhibitions

If you’ve any images from past exhibitions we’d love to have them for the website.

Please tell us what year they’re from  and any names etc.

Submit your images by email to

Cheers, look forward to seeing the work
