2022 Donations to Charities
Following the Peoples Photography weekend in August 2022 the surplus funds that had been collected were available for donation to charities. Most of this money was collected when Tony Ellis was the Organiser of the event. His family were therefore asked if they would like to nominate a charity to receive the available donation or to add a charity to the two that Peoples Photography normally supported. They asked if the Ciaran Carr Foundation could be included in the donations.
Three cheques of €1,500 were sent to The Ciaran Carr Foundation, the NCBI and the Simon Community, a total of €4,500. The responses from the three charities are include below.

Our friends in Dublin Simon and the NCBI
We charge a exhibitors a token amount to cover costs involved in organising Peoples Photography and to discourage people from reserving slots with no serious intention of showing up on the day.
As Peoples Photography has become more successful with each passing year we have collected more money than we spend. Over the last two years we have had a policy of donating this spare cash to charity.
2014 Donations
Donations were lower this year at €1500 to each organisation as we’d reduced the exhibitors fee to recognise the general continuing economic difficulties most people are dealing with.
In addition the ongoing cost of printing, mounting etc was seen as having already placed a cost burden on our participants. Nevertheless, our friends were grateful as always for our continued support to them and returned the thank you letters below.
NCBI Thank you for 2014 donation and Dublin Simon Thank you for 2014 donation
2013 Donations
Donations were made again this year with an amazing €2,500 to both the Dublin Simon and to the National council for the Blind in Ireland NCBI.
We were able to have Kelly Crowley from Simon visit with us on Saturday where we made the presentation on the day
It wouldn’t have been the same without all of your wonderful support. The staff are continually amazed each time we show up and say “We’d like to give you some money” !!!
Again, we got lovely thank you letters from both which are linked below.
Dublin Simon and NCBI
2012 Donations
We’re very pleased this year to have made donations again to both Dublin Simon and to the National council for the Blind in Ireland NCBI.
Total donations… the proceeds of the 2011 Exhibition and some residual funds in the account, was an amazing €5,000 and enabled us to present a draft for €2,500 to each of the two charities.
Both charities continue to be bowled over with your generosity, and extremely grateful for the continued support from you all.
We’ve attached the thank you letters from both charities below
In 2010 we decided to donate to charity once again but this time to donate one lump sum to Dublin Simon Community in the hope of helping the homeless of Dublin during the current recession.
In 2009 we decided to make a charitable donation with money left over from this and previous exhibitions. Two charities were chosen at one of our organising meetings, National Council for the Blind of Ireland and Dublin Simon Community which we felt most closely suited the theme of the Peoples Photography Exhibition.
NCBI was an obvious choice for Peoples Photography since sight is an important feature of every photographers work. Without sight those of us taking part in Peoples Photography would not be able to create our photographs or enjoy the photographic work of others. NCBI work to enable people who are blind or vision impaired to overcome the barriers that impede their independence and participation in society and we are glad to help them.
Dublin Simon Community was also chosen since the exhibition takes place on the streets around St Stephens Green, streets on which many homeless people seek shelter every night. Dublin Simon Community aims to address the underlying causes of homelessness and support people in moving from the chaos of sleeping rough back to regaining their independence.
We are delighted to support both these great charities and we thank all those taking part for helping to make this possible. We have attached a copy of the receipts from Dublin Simon Community and NCBI, click on the image below for a larger copy.